1793-1890; bulk: 1860-1865
Guide to the Collection
This collection contains the papers of 约翰 Worthington Ames. 包括信件,个人文件,日记,艾姆斯其他成员的文件 以及有关美国第11步兵团和第6联队的资料 States Colored Infantry 团 during the Civil War.
Biographical Sketch
约翰·沃辛顿·艾姆斯(约翰 Worthington Ames, 1833-1878) 1833年11月23日出生在马萨诸塞州的洛厄尔,父亲是塞思 Ames (1805-1881) and Margaret Stevenson Bradford Ames (1804-1847). He graduated Harvard College 1854年,同年12月,他乘船前往中国和英属香港 暴风国王, spending time in Canton and Fuzhou. During his time in 在中国,他呆在西方的贸易场所,包括美国的金氏贸易公司 & Co. He returned to Boston in December of 1855 aboard the 不 《利记手机官网》. At some point, he studied engineering at the Lawrence Scientific School. In 1858年,他前往阿肯色州,在小石城和堡担任土木工程师 Smith Railroad Company. He then settled in Bloomington, Illinois, for a time and went into business with a friend. By 1861, he was in Texas to help build a road when the Civil War began and was nearly drafted into the Confederate 军队 while in Galveston. Ames was able to return 后来,他被任命为美国第16步兵团的中尉 团 on 18 June 1861. On 31 June, he transferred and was nominated as captain in the 11th 美国步兵团,然后接受他的委托,于15日前往独立堡 August and was assigned to Company C in the 1st Battalion.
在独立堡训练后,艾姆斯被分配到斯普林菲尔德的一个招募岗位, 麻萨诸塞州. He then joined his regiment in Maryland. As part of the 军队 of the Potomac, the 11th Infantry 团 was at times attached to Sykes' Brigade and the V 军队 Corps, 参加了约克镇围城战(1862年4月5日- 5月4日),麦坎克斯维尔战役,1882年战役 马尔文山战役,第二次布尔朗战役,安提特姆战役,弗雷德里克斯堡战役, Battle of Chancellorsville, and Battle of Gettysburg.
1863年秋天,艾姆斯被提升为美国第六有色步兵团上校 团. The regiment was organized in the summer of 1863 and, by October, was at Yorktown, 维吉尼亚州. 隶属于詹姆斯军团的第18军的第6师参加了这次战役 in numerous expeditions; the capture of City Point, 维吉尼亚州; Battle of Baylor's Farm; Battle of Chaffin's Farm and New Market Heights, w在这里 Ames was shot through the leg; and Battle of Fair Oaks and Darbytown Road. The 6th was then attached to the XXV Corps and participated in the First and Second Battle of Fort Fisher, as well as Sugar Loaf Hill. The regiment was then 在挺进并攻占金士顿、戈尔兹伯勒和北罗利期间,他隶属于第十军 他出席了约瑟夫·埃格尔斯顿·约翰斯顿将军在贝内特的投降仪式 Place, North Carolina. The regiment was mustered out 26 September 1865. Ames mustered out of volunteer service and rejoined the 11th in 1865. He was given a recruiting post in Portland, Maine, before resigning from the 军事 in the fall of 1866.
从军队辞职后,艾姆斯搬到了爱荷华州的伯灵顿,并在那里工作 由伯灵顿和密苏里河铁路公司作为土地代理人,然后作为公司的 财务主管. In 1873, he left for San Francisco and was appointed president of the European and Oregon Land Company. After the company was disincorporated in fall of 1874, he briefly worked in the mercantile business. In 1876, Ames began to experience health issues from his time in the 军事. At the beginning of 1877, he went to Hawaii to improve his health. After returning home to California, he was made Surveyor General of California in September of 1877. 他的健康 continued to deteriorate, and he died of liver disease on 6 April 1878.
1865年,约翰·沃辛顿·埃姆斯与玛格丽特·科利斯·普拉利(1843-1919)结婚 立法者和废奴主义者本杰明·拉什·普拉利(1816-1887)和丽贝卡·威尔逊·普拉利. 他们有 三个孩子,弗朗西斯玛格丽特布拉德福德艾姆斯兰德尔(1866-1968),丽贝卡沃辛顿艾姆斯 Adams Ames (1868-1966), and 约翰 Worthington Ames, Jr. (1871-1954).
Collection Description
约翰·沃辛顿·埃姆斯的文件由5个文件盒和1个超大文件夹组成 correspondence, personal papers, 13 diaries, and family papers. Correspondence and diaries cover his time traveling in China (1854-1855); working as a civil engineer in Arkansas, Illinois, and Texas (1858-1861); and service during the Civil War as a captain in the 11th 美国 步兵团(1861-1863,1865-1866)和美国第六有色步兵团上校 团 (1863-1865). He details his travels, life and customs in the places he visits, weather, 食物,南北战争前西部和南部的气氛和态度, 入伍,训练,部队调动,从家里请求补给,营地生活,战斗和 小冲突,他对战争的看法以及战争对他的影响,以及对战友的印象 and of the South. 也 included are a few sketches of 军事 camps. Personal papers include 哈佛学院的材料、军事文件、服役记录副本和个人履历 material from the time of his death. The family papers consist of correspondence of numerous 艾姆斯的家人,与约翰·沃辛顿·艾姆斯死亡有关的材料,以及 pension application files submitted by Margaret Corlis Plumly Ames.
Acquisition Information
Gift of Brian Burton, July 2019 and September 2023.
Custodial History
This collection was owned by Frances Randall Hill Lipp. Following her death in 2015, ownership 交给了布莱恩·伯顿,他在协助利普进行研究和研究时拥有这些材料 出版.
这个收藏包含了约翰·沃辛顿·艾姆斯的电子通信记录 to Abigail Fisher Dana Ames, Seth Ames, and Fisher Ames for 1861-1865. These transcripts will be made available at a later date.
Detailed Description of the Collection
I. Correspondence, 1858-1878
Arranged mainly chronologically.
约翰·沃辛顿·艾姆斯的书信主要由艾姆斯写给 various family members. The bulk of the letters are from his service during the Civil War in 美国第11步兵团(1861-1863)和美国第6有色军团 (1863-1865),并提供了详细的营地生活,战友, 战斗和小冲突,战争的进展,以及他的经历对他的影响. 其他 这些信件是他在阿肯色州、伊利诺伊州和德克萨斯州担任土木工程师时写的 (1858-1861), as well as during his declining health before his death (1877-1878).
约翰 Worthington Ames and Seth Ames, 1862-1868
约翰 Worthington Ames to Abigail Fisher Dana Ames, 1860-1865, 1878
约翰 Worthington Ames to Fisher Ames (1838-1919), 1862-1863, 1878
约翰 Worthington Ames to Margaret Fiske Watson, 1858-1864
约翰 Worthington Ames to 菲斯克家族, 1862-1863
约翰 Worthington Ames to Sarah Bancroft Howard Hayward, 1861-1864
约翰 Worthington Ames to 霍华德的家庭, 1861
约翰 Worthington Ames to Margaret Corlis Plumly Ames, 1863-1864
约翰 Worthington Ames to Margaret Corlis Plumly Ames, 1864-1865, 1877
Letters to 约翰 Worthington Ames and Margaret Corlis Plumly Ames on birth of Frances Margaret Bradford Ames, 1866
约翰 Worthington Ames to Frances Margaret Bradford Ames Randall, 1877
约翰 Worthington Ames and Margaret Corlis Plumly Ames to Rebecca Worthington Ames, 1877, 未标明日期的
约翰 Worthington Ames to William Ames (1801-1880), 1878
约翰 Worthington Ames to unidentified correspondents, 1865, 未标明日期的
约翰 Worthington Ames likely to Harriet Spelman Longfellow and Cora Spelman Eustis, 1866
约翰 Worthington Ames to Lorenzo Miles Whiting and Rebecca Plumly Whiting, 1877-1878
II. Personal papers, 1851-1878
Arranged chronologically.
This series consists of the personal papers of 约翰 Worthington Ames. It includes material 从他在哈佛大学的时候,军事文件的原件和副本,写的文章 埃姆斯讲述了他在内战中的经历,以及与他的死亡有关的材料. 也 其中包括埃姆斯的素描,这些素描之前主要是从他发送的信件中删除的 while serving in the Civil War. They include sketches of the exterior of Ames' quarters; headquarters of the 2nd Brigade, 3rd Division, 25th Corps. near Fort Fisher; 6th 美国 Colored Infantry 团's mess hall exterior along the York River; and a view from Ames' quarters looking out at the camp with a Black soldier in view.
Harvard College, 1851-1854
Inauguration of James Walker, D.D. as President of Harvard College program, 1853
Blue Beard or the Tyrant's Gory Downfall 较宽的一面, 1854
杂, 1855, 未标明日期的
草图, ca. 1861-1865, 未标明日期的
Military papers, 1863-1866
Brigadier General by Brevet certificate, 1月15日 1865
Service records 1865-1866 (copies), 2015, 未标明日期的
Overland Monthly articles 1869-1874 (copies), 未标明日期的
Surveyor General of California papers, 1877
Surveyor General of California certificate, 9月27日 1877
为纪念 published by the Harvard Club of San 旧金山, 1878
Miscellaneous writings, 未标明日期的
Biographical information and genealogy, 未标明日期的
Pension application files 1879-1922 (copies), 未标明日期的
3. 日记、 1854-1877
Arranged chronologically.
This series contains the diaries of 约翰 Worthington Ames. They provide accounts of his sea 1854年至1855年,他游历了中国的香港、广州和福州 Western merchant houses; his time in Arkansas, Illinois, and Texas working as a civil engineer (1859-1861); some of his service during the Civil War as a captain in the 11th 美国 美国第6步兵团和上校,后来是陆军准将 Colored Infantry 团; and his time in Hawaii to improve his health (1877). 图纸 purchased in China are pasted onto numerous pages of Ames' diary from that time.
July-December 1859
December 1859-March 1860
June-December 1860
December 1860-April 1861
April-October 1861, 3 1862
May-July 1862
September-November 1862
January-February 1863
July-December 1863
Disbound, 1877
IV. 艾姆斯家族 papers, 1793-1890
Arranged chronologically.
本丛书的材料主要由艾姆斯家族各成员的书信组成 family, including letters regarding the death of 约翰 Worthington Ames.
Correspondence, 1793-1881
Fisher Ames (1758-1808) to Thomas Dwight, 10月30日 1793
Seth Ames and Margaret Stevenson Bradford Ames to Sarah Alden Bradford Ripley, 1832-1835
Frances Worthington Ames (1764-1837) to Margaret Stevenson Bradford Ames, 未标明日期的
Margaret Corlis Plumly Ames to Abigail Fisher Dana Ames, 1865
Seth Ames to Frances Worthington Ames Howland, 1868
Pelham Warren Ames to 约翰 Worthington Ames, 1868
Death of 约翰 Worthington Ames, 的数字 1878
Seth Ames to Margaret Corlis Plumly Ames, 1879-1881, 未标明日期的
Letters to Frances Randall Hill Lipp, 未标明日期的
Miscellaneous envelopes, 未标明日期的
家庭的论文, 1811-1890
Harvard College receipts likely for 约翰 Worthington Ames (1793-1833), 1811-1813
Harvard University blank weekly class reports, 1830
Scrapbook newspaper clippings "Butterfingers to Hawkeye," 1873-1874
George Partridge Bradford obituary, 2月1日 1890
Preferred Citation
约翰 Worthington Ames papers, 麻萨诸塞州 Historical Society.
This collection is indexed under the following headings in 阿比盖尔, the online catalog of the 麻萨诸塞州 Historical Society. 研究人员 欲知有关人士、组织或主题的资料,请查阅本目录 using these headings.
Materials Removed from the Collection
Photographs from this collection have been removed to Photo Coll. 413.